Da +13234******
2 anni fa
Yes I can run those for you if you would like to give me some money for those items :)
Da +13234******
2 anni fa
That is correct
Da +18587******
2 anni fa
Also my phone contact is 661-350-6345 for easier communication if you prefer to contact through texts. If not we can continue using rover for contact.
2 anni fa
Okay that sounds good. Welcome to Colorado! I moved here from California in July 2021 and love it here, I’m sure you will as well. We can meet the 28th yeah, I’ll be available sometime after 6pm that day. I babysit on Sundays from 7am-5:30/6pm depending on when the parent gets off work. So maybe we could plan for 7pm that day?
Da Cash
2 anni fa
It depends if you pay through the app bc rover usually takes a large portion. I typically have clients pay me cash or venmo $25
Da +13234******
2 anni fa
I can do 5:30 that’s perfect
Da +18583******
2 anni fa
Hi unfortunately I won't be able to do this. It conflicts with my schedule in some of the times and I dont get off work typically till 630pm. I'd rather give my utmost perfect service so I apologize for the inconvenience
2 anni fa
These are my house for the entire week and will be my hours for the next 5-6 months until my next school semester starts. If you have any preferred days that work with this schedule let me know :) Monday: After 5:30PM Tuesday: Before 8:30AM Wednesday: After 5:30PM Thursday: Before 8:30AM Friday: Unavailable Saturday: Between 1:30PM-4:00PM Sunday: After 6:00PM For 2 dogs my rate is $25 if paid through rover or $20 if... (more at https://r.rover.com/jHjeP2 )
Da +18582******
2 anni fa
I believe I can do that! Is it just one dog or two
2 anni fa
Hello Amanda! I would be however my Tuesdays & Thursdays wouldn’t be quite that time availability wise. These are my hours for those days. Availability: Monday/Wednesday: after 5:30PM (I have school/work from 8am-5pm) Tuesday/Thursday: before 8:30 AM (I have school 11am-8pm) If those hours work for you let me know :) I would also be more than happy to come by this week sometime or within the next few weeks to meet Sharon... (more at https://r.rover.com/jHjeP2 )

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