Da +13109******
2 anni fa
Ut oh! Sure, (909)438-6516
Da +18582******
2 anni fa
My apologies I would love to walk both Jack & Leo.
Da +18582******
2 anni fa
Good evening, thank you for your interest in my ad for dog walking. I would love to walk Leo however would you be open to walking times from 5:30-6pm? An
Da +18582******
2 anni fa
d also I wanted to clarify that no walking is needed on Weds?
Da Ello
2 anni fa
Hello, I am located in Redlands.
2 anni fa
G-908125 is your Google verification code.
Da +13109******
2 anni fa
Would you like to schedule a meet n greet to see how the dogs take to me first?
2 anni fa
Hi! And yes I am available those days. My current location is right across the street from Immanuel Baptist church (the one that shoots fireworks every 4th)
Da Ello
2 anni fa
Hello Andy. Sorry my response is a little late. Freeway was hectic. Logistics - I am near Citrus and California for 5pm walks on T, Thu and Fri. If it were not for the high temps, I would offer to walk at 4pm but here we are. I think it would take 1/2 hour to travel to your location or slightly longer from that location. Would this work for you? When the weather improves, happy to consider earlier in the day. Btw,... (more at https://r.rover.com/GzyPi2 )
Da +13109******
2 anni fa
Hi Andy! Sure I can walk them for you! 😊 I am located just south of Immanuel Baptist church, cross streets Webster and sycamore

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