Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864018 for 1009lz ( 250 E Yale Loop, Irvine, CA 92604, USA ) is on the way. Please note to check. If you have any questions, please contact the store 19496518899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864017 has been delivered.Please refer to the receipt proof link:. If you have any questions, please contact the store 18189887899. Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864018 has been partly refund because of the shortage of Nissin Demae Ramen Artificial Chicken Flavor Bag - 出前一丁(雞蓉)港式. The order is ready now. Please check the order on 99Ranch APP for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the store 19496518899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864018 generates a refund of $ 1.72 for weight/quantity differences. After the order is completed, it will be returned to your original payment account in 2 to14 business days. If you have any questions, please contact the store 19496518899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864017 for 101311 ( 7300 Medical Center Dr, West Hills, CA 91307, United States ) is on the way. Please note to check. If you have any questions, please contact the store 18189887899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864017 has been partly refund because of the shortage of Beef Tendon Cut - 牛筋. The order is ready now. Please check the order on 99Ranch APP for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the store 18189887899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864015 has been partly refund because of the shortage of Myojo Chukazanmai-Szechuan Flv - 中華三味(四川). The order is ready now. Please check the order on 99Ranch APP for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the store 19496518899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864012 has been partly refund because of the shortage of Nissin Demae Ramen Artificial Chicken Flavor Bag - 出前一丁(雞蓉)港式. The order is ready now. Please check the order on 99Ranch APP for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the store 19496518899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, your order 400864015 for 1009lz is ready for the in-store pickup. Please visit our customer service counter to pick up your order with 1009lz's ID card, order pickup barcode and the original payment method at Irvine I-Culver-99 Ranch #1009 ( 15333 Culver Dr #800, Irvine, CA 92604, USA ) during 12/01/2020 18:00-19:00. If you have any questions, please contact the store 19496518899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service
Da +17144647999
3 anni fa
Dear customer, we are so sorry to inform you that the Beef Tendon Cut - 牛筋 in your order 400864017 is/are currently out of stock. Please check the order details on the APP and refer to the substitute items we select for you. If you have any questions, please contact the store 18189887899 . Best, 99 Ranch Market E-Commerce Customer Service

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