Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
Only trying to give it to you
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
Do whatever floats your boat Kasey that's your dick
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
Tired of you doing me like shit for no reason and all I do is love the fuck out your ass but it is what it is I can give me good sex to somebody else if you don't want it
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
And ok if that's what you feel like you should do with YOUR LIFE then you do it.
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
I had to calm myself down IF you didn't say what was said to me then I'm sorry I apologize but if i hear that same shit again then the third times I'm done Kake I'm so serious.
4 anni fa
Ok if you want to believe it then go ahead I'm finish with this do you and the reason why I didn't call you cause first off my phone was dead and somebody take my charger and when I was going to call it was time for Jerry to call you but ok I quess I'll friendship is over with so might well move on and try and find me somebody else to fuck with
Da +1(843) 861-4449
4 anni fa
If this what you call love then why I barely talked to you today lies then you be talking about me this ain't my first time hearing this shit.

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