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Order-Approved : Your account is auto debit by $1864.66 for Canon DSLR Camera order-id #SXK8FT7UE65 on JUL-22-2022.CaII 1(862) 245-4646 to Stop this delivery
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kfhviuhdfiubhfiub SKM
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FrankSpeech: SUMMER SALE! MyPillows as low as $19.88 & More Great MyPillow Specials! Use Code: FS7 Click http://s.frk.to/80SI8o5 Reply STOP to opt-out
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Din Tinder-kode er 382946. Del den ikke med nogen
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Reminder: Please confirm you have taken your study medication. Reply 1 if YES. Reply 2 if NO. Reply 3 if asked not to take medication
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Reminder: Please confirm you have taken your study medication. Reply 1 if YES. Reply 2 if NO. Reply 3 if asked not to take medication
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DAT One Tracking Request: Your Broker Dat Epam Test Account has assigned a shipment to you that requires tracking: [TA] 2022-07-22T10:06:29.662Z Auto tracking with Declined status. View the details, accept the shipment, and enable tracking: https://mobile.dat.com/64aUAINQRrb. Reply with STOP to no longer receive text messages from DAT One.
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DAT One Tracking Request: Your Broker Dat Epam Test Account has assigned a shipment to you that requires tracking: [TA] 2022-07-22T10:06:17.044Z Auto tracking with Delivered status. View the details, accept the shipment, and enable tracking: https://mobile.dat.com/q2uWrMMQRrb. Reply with STOP to no longer receive text messages from DAT One.
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DAT One Tracking Request: Your Broker Dat Epam Test Account has assigned a shipment to you that requires tracking: [TA] 2022-07-22T10:06:09.143Z Auto tracking with in Transit status. View the details, accept the shipment, and enable tracking: https://mobile.dat.com/CCWKegMQRrb. Reply with STOP to no longer receive text messages from DAT One.

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